You do have to be careful though. I still operate on a 1mb machine and did run out of memory once. I think that I tried to create 80 slides. The other problem I ran into was speed. It took about 10 minutes to create 60 slides. On an SE or Mac II this time would be much shorter.
The greatest part about the sequencer is that you can save the output or “slides” to a variety of places. The clipboard, individual PICT files or to a separate scrapbook. The scrapbook was always my choice. Mostly because you can import a scrapbook directly in Director. My first attempt was my horn. After rotating the horn around and clicking on a few buttons my scrapbook was created. I opened Director, imported the horn scrapbook and voila!! one rotating horn... The objects that you created can
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have several different “textures” or “looks”. You can have a solid look, solid with wire frame, or just wire frame. There are also ways of shading the object so that shadows drop where you want them to. Each one of these has its own purpose depending on the object.
The program is great for creating 3D images. If you need to export these there are many ways to do that. The main draw back I had was the manual. Overall the program is fairly easy to use once you create a couple of objects and start to look at the world in 3D. We do it all the time we just never look at things from all the angles. The only other thing you’ll have to get used to is the angles of the moving